About Teal School
Teal School is a non-profit organisation with a mission to create a future-secured education system where kids and youths develop all aspects of being human and being themselves, in the context of a complex, global world. We wish to see an extensive dialogue about transforming the school system. A new paradigm is emerging and schools can be an important part of making the transition faster and easier.
But our goal is not only being a voice in this paradigm shift, but being actively involved paradigm shifters. To do this we are hoping to find partners, investors or other funding to start our own schools, preschools and learning hubs.
Teal School is an initiative started in 2019 in Stockholm, Sweden by Sarah Rosendahl and Shabana Bashir. Join our network and let’s change the way our society looks at learning and education.
We are rebuilding the website, come back soon for more info, or contact us!
Our why
Our world is changing, fast. The technological development makes it hard to even imagine what our children will work with 20-30 years from now. Still most schools stay the same. And even though there’s extensive research on how we function as human beings, about what makes us happy and motivated, both teachers and children are struggling and mental health issues among young are increasing.
It is time for a school that is based on human needs and holistic human development. Social emotional development as well as cognitive. Individualised learning processes based on internal motivation, self-leadership and self-paced mastery learning. And teachers / learning guides that are aware of the importance of close relationships, autonomy and joy in the process of learning.
And it is time for a school that recognises that having standardised processes directed towards a “non-standard” world is not rational, no matter how accustomed we have become to them. The complexity in the world requires flexibility, creativity and co-creation, by reflective, open-minded and responsible people.
We firmly believe that the industrial paradigm which schools are built upon today has passed it’s expiration date, and that it’s time to look towards the new paradigm that is emerging. The industrial paradigm is production-oriented, and humans are basically seen as resources in a huge machine. The emerging paradigm is human-oriented, and the organisations are seen as living organisms, sensing their surroundings and needs, and adapting fast and painlessly.
This paradigm is called Teal.
How to support us
Financial support
We, the Teal School founders, are digging deep into our pockets to be able make change happen. Even a little support, if from many people, goes a long way! If you are a Swedish resident you can support us using our Plusgiro-account, 1840438-4
Organisations can become partners. If you represent an organisation that works actively with sustainability, supporting us can be an interesting part of your CSR-portfolio and employer branding. Our work will have impact on several of the Global Goals. And if you know about the Inner Development Goals – we really need to talk! We have different levels of sponsorship and partnership. Contact us to learn more.
We have also previously asked you to help build the network by sharing our blogs, and all we share on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram, as well as to join our slack account and come to our physical Meet-Ups – but currently we are not active in building our network and possibilities that way. We might restart that part of the endeavour in 2025 (let us know if you want to be a part of that!) – but currently financial aid is the best way to support us – or contact us to know more about the plans, and how you can support!
Why did we start Teal School?

Sarah’s story
Growing up I was the well behaved, shy and ambitious student that was all teachers’ dream. My grades were high and because of that it seemed like I could easily succeed in life, I could choose my path ahead, get a wellpaid job and live happily ever after. But I lacked emotional resilience, self esteem, self love and self empathy. Leaving school I wasn’t really prepared for life…
A lot later, when I had suffered and reflected my way into transformation, I had a role as a quality developer in an education company. I worked with structural, cultural and pedagogical development. In my work I aimed for two things above all: 1) all my co-workers that were stressed and unhappy should never have to feel that way again, at least not due to the organisational work environment, 2) the students should get an education that gave real understanding and competence, not only knowledge.
Since I had studied organisational psychology and quality management I started synthesizing my knowledge in the context of this organisation – and I started trying to implement changes that had almost all aspects of what I later found out could be called Teal.
During the plus fifteen years that I have worked with organisational development and management I have become more and more convinced of the absolute necessity of a paradigm shift. In all organisations really, but most of all in schools.
It almost goes without saying. The stakes involved in not creating a healthy environment for work and learning in schools are high. Both at individual and societal levels. (I often marvel at how whe treat our kids, our little workers without a union…. in ways we would never treat adults).
Not a single young person should leave school not prepared for life, lacking emotional resilience, self esteem and self empathy. And not a single human being should ever, ever, ever, doubt their worth as human beings….

Shabana’s story
The question “Why?” brought me to Teal. Why is it that schools as organisations still operate within an industrial model, while enjoying a postmodern approach to teaching?
Why are we simply observing the challenges these two paradigms present, instead of making fundamental moves to recreate and invigorate our organisational structures and thereby allowing innovation and creativity to thrive?
Why do we think that developing the whole child’s, social, emotional and academic learning can be achieved while simultaneously shutting down the human side of the adults who work in schools, whose health is tantamount to what happens in the classroom?
That is what brought me to Teal, as I see this as the next step in developing our schools; schools which are conscious of the needs of both humans and the environment and embrace the changes our technological developments present to society.
I am passionate about this need for change, and tired of admiring the problems I see the solutions and believe it is time to take action, and make those changes. Our school system needs updating, from the industrial to Teal which I believe is most effective for today’s world and for the future we are entering.
The word educate comes from the Latin root ‘EDUCE’, educe meaning to ‘bring forth’. Let us start bringing forth what is already there naturally in our children. Instead of imposing, demanding, and over testing them. Let us see our children for who they are and stop with this one size fits all approach to education.